写信网 > 人物书信 > 名人 > 给Jenny的一封信


来源:写信网 时间:06-18
写信网为您精选给Jenny的一封信 dear Jenny:  
  My name is XiongYan, Maybe you isn't konw me, I'm your new  friend, I'm a  chinese, today My English  teacher  encourage  us  write a  letter for a  English pen pal, I  have  no English  pen  pal,  but I like  English, I  want  to  have  a English  pen pal, so I  write  letter for you.  
  I'm fourteen years old, how old are you? Maybe just like me, I'm 1.53 metres tall. My hair is long and  black. I  have more hobby. play the piano、make toy、 paint picture. I  live  in china, My favourite foods is rice,  My favourite fruit are orange and banana. There are four people in My family. my  Mather、Father、My sister  and  me, I  always help My parents  to do homework,   I  clean  my  own  house,  I'm  very  hard at school , I  have a lot of friends,  I  like to  make friends,  Would  you  like to  make  friend  with  me?    
  I  like  English  best. I want to know  more  about  English,  Please write to me soon and  tell  me  about  your  country. I'm waiting  your letter.  
 You new friend  

给Jenny的一封信 内容由写信网整理,转载请保留地址: http://www.woxiexin.com/xiexin/DpotNpPlfFtVhQt8zcShS4al.html
